"Boss Digital Delay Pedal DD-3"
Acrylic and Oil Painting on Sculpted Paper, 2 1/4" h. x 2 1/2" w. x 5" d., 2021.
Acrylic and Oil Painting on Sculpted Paper, 2 1/4" h. x 2 1/2" w. x 5" d., 2021.
"Boss Heavy Metal Pedal HM-2"
Acrylic Painting on Sculpted Paper, 2 1/4" h. x 2 1/2" w. x 5" d., 2021.
Acrylic Painting on Sculpted Paper, 2 1/4" h. x 2 1/2" w. x 5" d., 2021.
“Coke Weed Bowl”
Acrylic Painting on Sculpted Paper, 2 1/2” h. x 2 1/2” w. x 5” d., 2021.
Acrylic Painting on Sculpted Paper, 2 1/2” h. x 2 1/2” w. x 5” d., 2021.
"Ten Fidy Weed Bowl"
Acrylic and Enamel Painting on Sculpted Paper, 2 3/4" h. x 3" w. x 5" d., 2020.
Acrylic and Enamel Painting on Sculpted Paper, 2 3/4" h. x 3" w. x 5" d., 2020.
"Oak Leaf"
Acrylic Painting and Mixed Media on Sculpted Paper, 1" h. x 4" w. x 4 1/2" d., 2020.
Acrylic Painting and Mixed Media on Sculpted Paper, 1" h. x 4" w. x 4 1/2" d., 2020.
“Sip of Sunshine Weed Bowl”
Acrylic, Enamel and Oil painting on Sculpted Paper, 2 1/2” h. x 2 1/2” w. x 6 1/4” d., 2020.
Acrylic, Enamel and Oil painting on Sculpted Paper, 2 1/2” h. x 2 1/2” w. x 6 1/4” d., 2020.